It's an exchange service
Hello All, My experience with experts-exchange is not so long, Only couple of years I have spent some amount of my time over here.. This site is simply fantastic and keeps me updated about the various technologies on which i used to work and currently working on... Many of my professional colleagues always asks me "Why don't you help somebody over the paid portals and why only experts-exchange ?" So my simple answer is i found this site has vast area of subjects and can help everyone in technical contrast. If my suggestions are invited then i would like to bring few points. 1. Make your experts feel that yes they are your assets by sending them some accolades and offers time to time as they are the bread and butter of your site. 2. Improve the awards delivery process as since past 4 months i am waiting for my t-shirts. Hope someone will take his time to work on these points as-well.. At Last.. EXPERTS-EXCHANGE ROCKS :) Thanks, Sandeep Agarwal http://www.experts-exchange.com/members/Sandeep_Agarwal_.html